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Business principles

Our success is largely driven and determined by our company values. In our day-to-day work we are committed to these basic principles:



Our benchmark is “sustainability“. We pursue long term goals and act reliable and responsible. Thus we create security – as an employer as well as for our customers.



Creativity and innovative approaches originate teams comprising many distinct personalities.  We encourage and request this variety. Thus we realize our ambition to develop a wide array of modular scalable products.  



Your demand is our challenge. With great expertise and strong personal dedication of every single team member, we face the individual demands of our customers.



We think like engineers! Our work is characterized according to Einstein´s maxim: „As simple as possible, but not simpler!“ 




We stand for the joint development of solutions. The focus here is on the dialogue with each other, as well as appreciation within the team. The success of our customer is the base of the success of SOFiSTiK.


Innovations are essential for us. Identifying customer needs earlier, and thus taking new directions, ensures our technological leadership.