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Realize projects beyond usual BIM workflows with seamless, efficient interfaces and SOFiSTiK’s complete and unmatched openness.
Whether you are looking for software solutions for open BIM, native and integrated BIM, big or small BIM processes, SOFiSTiK’s long-standing
philosophy of openness offers you maximum connectivity and flexibility. Our products outward as well as inward openness extend your added value
far beyond the benefits of classical BIM workflows.
As one of the top high-end BIM software around the globe, SOFiSTiK’s BIM solutions fully equip you to face the challenges of
future project with ease.
SOFiSTiK´s BIM environment at a glance
Our holistic philosophy is based on three columns:
Inward openness
SOFiSTiK provides a general inward BIM openness that is ensured by various interfaces for open and native data formats. This openness
stretches right into our FEM packages, which come with a universal inward BIM compatibility.
Our FEM software offers exceptional control over your individual calculation processes. Via the text editor TEDDY
and parametric text-based input options, SOFiSTiK BIM software gives you full control to work according to your individual requirements.
Outward openness
Openness of data formats
SOFiSTiK supports the international IFC format as well as the new SAF* (Structural Analysis Format) interface initiated by Nemetschek (*new in version SOFiSTiK 2022). SAF opens up the possibility to import analytical models from a variety of source systems which considerably increases your compatibility, competitiveness and your project security.
Rethinking seamless integration
Seamless integration of SOFiSTiK software solutions for BIM is feasible even if you are already working in a set system environment. To date, we have already successfully integrated a wide range of SOFiSTiK solutions into existing environments via XLS.
Seamlessness via „real“ openness
Our output formats are a decisive corner stone of our philosophy of openness. In order to maximize the benefits of BIM software, it is essential to not only focus on interfaces but also on the transferred data contents. With this approach, SOFiSTiK software fulfills the fundamental BIM idea, enabling a boost in project outcome via a smooth data flow across the entire project lifecycle.
SOFiSTiK e.g. integrates calculation results from SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design into the respective output format. Making use of this information or results from additional software like Autodesk’s BIM 360 tools creates a seamless big BIM process.
Project openness
The range of application of SOFiSTiK software for BIM covers the whole spectrum of building construction projects, bridge construction, tunnel construction and other structures. With the import functions from AutoCAD ®, Revit ® and Rhino ® and with the interfaces (IFC, SAF, etc.) you can master simple and complex projects in SOFiSTiK without compromising quality, time or individual prerequisites.
The powerful combination of Rhino's NURBS modeler and Grasshopper's visual scripting editor paired with the possibilities of SOFiSTiK's FEM solutions has already led numerous customers worldwide towards successful projects.
Native and integrated BIM approaches
Integrating SOFiSTiK FEM products into the AutoCAD® environment (SOFiPLUS) allows for high processing reliability when calculating with our FEM packages.
Your benefits from our BIM approach
Comprehensive philosophy of openness
Optimum entry into and transition to BIM
Entrepreneurial security
Your complete BIM compaticle Finite Elemente Packages for all requirements of structural, bridge and infrastructure engineering.
Your cost-effective entry into SOFiSTiK FEM and BIM software. The app supports analysis and design of building construction projects directly in Autodesk® Revit®.
Your powerful Autodesk® Revit® extension for creating axis-based, parametric BIM models (bridges, tunnels, support walls, etc.).
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement unites the powerful Revit-based apps Reinforcement Generation and Reinforcement Detailing for reliable and efficient 3D detailing and planning.
We do not only develop - we also build!
This video features SOFiSTiK's headquater building in Nuremberg, Germany. Planning and construction were implemented in a holisitic BIM project. The project’s focus was on a seamless BIM approach from the design stage through to completion of the building and delivers a convincing real-life example of successful interdisciplinary collaboration using SOFiSTiK’s software solutions.
Parametric, easy and efficient optimization of sustainable voided slabs within a BIM workflow. Time and cost saving meets sustainability and quality.
Slab-tendons in a BIM-Workflow. Seamless workflow, combining industry know how from SOFiSTiK and mindCreations.
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