Dear SOFiSTiK users, dear interested parties,
We are happy to announce the release of SOFiSTiK | 2025 in all product lines.
Benefit from the experience of the only construction software manufacturer with products for structural analysis and design:
- Use the advantages of BIM models for structural analysis by automatically generating the analytical model from the architectural model and adapting it appropriately – with the milestone product Analytical Model Generator for Autodesk® Revit®.
- Stay in the BIM workflow with the new user experience and transparent load transfer functions of the structural analysis interface Analysis + Design from the SOFiSTiK FEM Packages.
- Combine statics and sustainability easily with the new Life Cycle Assessment Task in the SOFiSTiK Structural Desktop.
- Use the Rebar Check functionality to transfer loss-free design results for 3D reinforcement modeling and further processing to the 2D reinforcement plan with SOFiSTiK Reinforcement.
- Model bridges and infrastructure structures precisely with tendons in the Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler.
Discover now the highlights of SOFiSTiK | 2025!