


Elements must be visible in the active view to be considered during the checks.

The Check step differentiates between the following two types:

Decide which type of check to carry out in the Side Panel for each run individually.

The Visualization gives access to a specific set of view filters, which helps you to spot the elements with issues easily.

In addition, a detailed Report lists all the elements and provides you with more details.


Check results from SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator 2023-5 and below are no longer valid. Please run this step again.


Different visibility settings allow to highlight or isolate elements during the process. SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator uses the following Revit technology for visualization:

Temporary Hide/Isolate

Entering Prepare, only the visible elements from the Start View are considered. They get loaded to a Temporary Hide/Isolate mode to respect the user selection. Previously invisible elements will be ignored, no matter what causes the invisibilty, e.g., Category Overrides, Filters or Hide by Element.

Temporary View Template

A set of View Templates is provided with the installation. During the steps of the Wizard, they are activated as Temporary View Templates to control various display settings, e.g., Category Overrides and Filters for better visibility of the relevant elements.

Coordination Checks#

In the Coordination Checks, the elements of the analytical model will be checked against their physical counterparts. The check consists of three parts:

  • Association

  • Parameters

  • Geometry

The scope of the Coordination Checks is determined under Checks.


All information is stored in the document.

Depending on the outcome of the check, elements are added to the respective Revit Selection Sets SOFiSTiK AMG Uncoordinated True and SOFiSTiK AMG Uncoordinated False. and highlighted or isolated using Revit Selection Filters.

See also

To learn more about the kind of issue for an element, see Report.


All analytical elements need an associated physical element for the Coordination Checks to work. If no such physical element exists, an issue will be reported and other Coordination Checks will be omitted.


All the relevant information, e.g., Structural Material, is compared between the associated physical and analytical elements. If these parameters do not match, an issue will be reported.

List of parameters to be checked:






Material does not match

Structural Material of physical and analytical element is different.

Thickness does not match

Thickness of physical and analytical element is different.

Section does not match

Cross Section of physical and analytical element is different.

Section rotation does not match

Cross Section Rotation of physical and analytical element is different.


Structural Role is currently not checked (created by SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator according to the Model Category of the physical element).


When creating the analytical elements with Generate, the state of the associated physical elements geometry is captured. This check detects any deviation of the current physical model geometry with the captured state and reports an issue.

List of issues reported on:



Changes to the physical element detected

The physical element has been modified after the creation of analytical element by SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator.

Missing information about the physical element

There is no information about the physical element stored in the analytical element. 1


For analytical elements that have been created manually, such Geometry data does not exist initially. See Capture Current State to resolve this.


Changes to the geometry of the analytical elements, e.g., as editing boundaries of panels or moving members, are not reported.

See also

For analytical elements that have been created without SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator, such geometry information does not exist but can be initialised. See Capture Current State for further information.

Analytical Quality Check#

In the Analytical Model Quality Checks, the proper connectivity of analytical model elements will be compared. To achieve this, a building model will be calculated. The following issues will be reported on:




Two analytical elements are not connected despite their physical counterparts being connected.


Two analytical elements overlap each other instead of being perfectly connected.

Edge Proximity Issue

Two analytical elements intersect each other slightly instead of being perfectly connected. See Connectivity for more information.


All information is stored in the document.

Depending on the outcome of the check, elements are added to the respective Revit Selections SOFiSTiK AMG Unaligned True and SOFiSTiK AMG Unaligned False. Special view filters allow to highlight or isolate them.


The Report lists all detected issues on the Coordination and Analytical Quality tabs.


Only elements that fullfill the following will be listed:

  • Visible in active view (click Update to refresh list when changing views).

  • The respective parameter (Uncoordinated or Unaligned) are set to true.

  • Have been checked in the last run and share the same time stamp. Older runs will be ignored.

All other elements are hidden in the list.

See Information for a quick synopsis about the last test run, including time stamp, checked elements and number of issues reported.

Navigate through the list by scrolling and decide on immediate actions when clicking a row in the Utilities.


Shows the pairs of analytical and physical elements and their issues.

It is easy to navigate the full list or filter it according by category of the elements.

The columns Association, Parameters and Geometry show the result for each individual check. If the specific check has not been performed, it is indicated by a gray dash.

Extent the drop down field in the final column.

Analytical Quality#

Shows the pairs of analytical elements and their issues.