Read the node properties

See also

Visual Basic .NET - Examples

Problem Description

In this example we will read the nodes data from the database.

Following values are extracted:

  • NR (node number)

  • INR (internal node number)

  • KFIX (degree of freedoms, bitwise encoded)

  • NCOD (additional bit code)

  • X (global X coordinate)

  • Y (global Y coordinate)

  • Z (global Z coordinate)

The nodes description can be found in CDBASE.CHM as shown in figure below:


The [INT] means that the data-type is integer. The data-type can easily be checked in the data-type list given in the example.

Problem Solution

The example can be found by following:

C:\<sofistik_installation>\2020\SOFiSTiK 2020\interfaces\examples\\read_nodes

Here is a code example how to read the nodes from the CDB:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module main
   'In this example, 64bit DLLs are used
   Public Declare Function sof_cdb_init Lib "sof_cdb_w-70.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_init" (
      ByVal name_ As String,
      ByVal InitType_ As Integer
   ) As Integer

   Public Declare Function sof_cdb_status Lib "sof_cdb_w-70.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_status" (
      ByVal Index_ As Integer
   ) As Integer

   Public Declare Function sof_cdb_close Lib "sof_cdb_w-70.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_close" (
      ByVal Index_ As Integer
   ) As Integer

   Public Declare Function sof_cdb_get Lib "sof_cdb_w-70.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_get" (
      ByVal Index_ As Integer,
      ByVal kwh_ As Integer,
      ByVal kwl_ As Integer,
      ByRef data As CNODE,
      ByRef datalen_ As Integer,
      ByVal pos_ As Integer
   ) As Integer

   Sub Main()
      Dim Filename As String
      Dim Index As Integer
      Dim Path As String
      Dim analysisPath As String
      Dim datalen As Integer
      Dim data As New CNODE
      Dim analysisPath2 As String

      'Path of the SOFiSTIK Directory
      analysisPath = "C:\sofistik_installation\trunk\SOFiSTiK trunk\interfaces\64bit"
      analysisPath2 = "C:\sofistik_installation\trunk\SOFiSTiK trunk"

      'Set the environment variable
      Path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("path")
      Path = analysisPath2 + ";" + analysisPath + ";" + Path
      Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("path", Path)

      'Filename = full path with name of the cdb
      Filename = "S:\test\simple_span_girder.cdb"

      ' To connect to the CDB
      Index = sof_cdb_init(Filename, 99)
      If Index < 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index= " & Index & " < 0 - see clib1.h for meaning of error codes")
            Exit Sub
      ElseIf Index = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index= " & Index & " - The File is not a database")
            Exit Sub
      End If

      ' Redim the m_XYZ array
      ' This step is necessary because in VB.NET fixed array in structures are not supported

      ReDim data.m_XYZ(2)

      ' Get the data-length
      datalen = Marshal.SizeOf(data)

      ' Print the values
            "{0,-15} {1,-15} {2,-15} {3,-15} {4,-15} {5,-15} {6,-15}",
            "m_NR", "m_INR", "m_KFIX", "m_NCOD", "m_X", "m_Y", "m_Z")
      Do While sof_cdb_get(Index, 20, 0, data, datalen, 1) < 2
               "{0,-15} {1,-15} {2,-15} {3,-15} {4,-15} {5,-15} {6,-15}",
            datalen = Marshal.SizeOf(data)

      'This outputs the status of the CDB, please refer to cdbase.chm for more details
      Console.WriteLine("Index: " & Index)
      Console.WriteLine("CDB Status: " & sof_cdb_status(Index))

      'Close the CDB
      Call sof_cdb_close(0)

      'Check the CDB Status
      If sof_cdb_status(Index) = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("CDB closed succesfully, status = 0")
      End If

      Console.Write("Press any <key> to close the program")

   End Sub
End Module